
Explore the music - composition bachelor's degree program at UW-Eau克莱尔

在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校获得作曲学士学位,探索构图风格和技巧,并发展自己的风格和技巧. 由成功人士领导, globally recognized faculty, this program will help you find and cultivate your compositional voice. And as one of the largest music departments in the region, you’ll find yourself surrounded by passionate, enthusiastic people just like you — ready to take the music world by storm.

Throughout the composition program, 你将通过定期为各种合奏团写作的机会来丰富你的学术经验. 您还将与国际知名的客座作曲家和专业乐团一起为大师班做出贡献,他们将对您的音乐做出有价值的评论和对当前音乐作曲行业的看法. Recent departmental residencies with groups such as y音乐, 时代精神, 纱线和钢丝, 蓝条纹合奏和第八黑鸟提供了一对一的个人互动和具体的见解,为特定的乐器写作, 类型或背景.

课程的设计使学生能够学习如何从不同的角度来看待音乐创作, 在将不同的音乐参数融入到自己的声音中时,要有开阔和批判的思维, apply different compositional techniques, 发展他们自己的音乐语言,为各种乐器写习惯用语. 该大学与位于欧克莱尔市中心汇合处的最先进的巴勃罗中心合作,使作曲专业的学生受益. 在那里, 您将有机会在其设施内新安装的录音室中听到您的音乐表演和录制.

Accredited by the National Association of Schools of 音乐, 我们值得注意的作曲专业将给你的经验和信心,需要解决你未来的努力,并启动到你喜欢的职业生涯.

Reimagining music and mathematics

多年来,他一直在欧克莱尔周围的小咖啡馆和小酒馆里演奏他的音乐, Samuel Stein is earning degrees in music - composition and mathematics. 塞缪尔来到威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校是因为它强大的音乐作曲项目和奇佩瓦山谷充满活力的音乐场景.

此后,他为威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的两部戏剧作品创作并强调了音乐:《澳门葡京网赌送彩金》和《澳门葡京网赌送彩金》. 现实.”

Watch the video to hear more from Samuel about his experience at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金.

Why music - composition at UW-Eau克莱尔?

A city that embraces music. 欧克莱尔社区欢迎威斯康星大学欧克莱尔音乐专业的学生,并邀请他们成为欧克莱尔丰富而充满活力的音乐场景的一部分. 在这里, 你将有机会接触到无数的制作和舞台体验,这要感谢我们与汇合的巴勃罗中心的合作. 探索欧克莱尔爵士音乐节-全国最大的学生音乐节-和维也纳舞会, 像你这样的音乐系学生为一晚的奥地利特色菜和维也纳华尔兹提供配乐.

Resume-building experiences. 常客艺术家, 与专业音乐家的比赛和一对一的时间将帮助你建立你的技能,并确定你喜欢的作曲风格. You'll also have opportunities to perform in more than 200 events each year, which will provide you with a strong musical foundation and real-world, pre-professional experience. And unlike at other universities, 在你的本科生涯早期,你将有机会为我们著名的乐团写作.

独特的集合体. A rarity for the undergraduate music scene, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金的学生有独特的机会参与当代音乐合奏, 哪本书向学生介绍了从20世纪20年代到现在的各种当代音乐. Beyond compositions written in conventional notation, students are regularly introduced to other modern approaches, including graphic scores, electroacoustic genres and improvisation. 这种合奏也是另一种与你的教授一起表演并在毕业前获得专业前经验的好方法.

旅行的机会. 音乐专业的学生经常有机会在国内和国际旅行,与其他音乐家互动和表演. Experiences like these are excellent ways to learn new skills, make connections and explore job possibilities.

独一无二的空间. 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 is home to multiple concert venues, 六间音乐教室, over 40 practice rooms (including chamber music practice rooms), 打击乐器的房间, 芦苇房, 管风琴练习室, harpsichord practice rooms, an audio recording studio, 音乐技术实验室, a digital piano lab and several rehearsal rooms. 我们也很自豪能与欧克莱尔社区最新的表演场地合作, Pablo Center at the Confluence. 这个最先进的设施是许多澳门葡京网赌送彩金课程,排练和表演的所在地. It also houses a recording studio, 学生可以在哪里创作和接收专业质量的作品录音.

Skill-building student organizations. 加入20个致力于庆祝音乐、戏剧和舞蹈的学生俱乐部和组织之一. Express yourself, learn new techniques and network with other students. 许多学生组织提供志愿者机会、比赛和表演.


music, dance and theatre student orgs


performance events per year


or continuing education after graduation

2021-2022 Graduate Report


音乐 - composition program details
  • Program length: four years
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • This major does not require a minor.
  • Students majoring in this program will earn a Bachelor of 音乐 (BM) degree.
  • 大胆的
  • Blugold冒名顶替者
  • Clarinet Studio Organization
  • 第五元素
  • 福音唱诗班
  • 即兴
  • 无辜的人
  • National Band Association Collegiate Chapter
  • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (PMA)
  • Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI)
  • The Backwards Thinkers Society

认证 information


What can I do with a music - composition degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校作曲校友继续为电影创作获奖音乐, television and professional ensembles. 从威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校获得音乐作曲学位将为您提供无尽的机会和选择自己的职业道路的能力.

Where are music - composition alumni now?

音乐 composition careers

威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的作曲专业让我接触到了我在入学前所不知道的音乐的另一面. 作曲学院和当代音乐团是我在这里接受教育的基石.

奥斯汀威廉姆斯 作曲

Discover the power of music in 欧克莱尔

From the professors who teach you to the students who work alongside you, a love for music is not hard to find when you’re at UW-Eau克莱尔. And that love isn't just isolated to our campus. 事实上,欧克莱尔以其丰富的音乐节、活动和场地而闻名全国. 

See what opportunities await you here in 欧克莱尔, Wisconsin.

音乐 - composition bachelor’s degree program curriculum

Led by highly trained and specialized faculty, 严谨的课程贯穿整个音乐作曲专业,将有助于培养你的音乐技能, 学习如何通过音乐作品表达情感,更好地理解是什么让音乐听起来悦耳. Coursework will encourage you to explore a variety of compositional techniques, learn how to transcribe music and master best practices. 


What classes do music - composition majors take?

Your classes may cover topics like: 

了解更多有关 comprehensive music - composition major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.


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Related programs at UW-Eau克莱尔

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Photo of a camera in front of theatre seats


Haas Fine Arts Center 156
欧克莱尔, WI 54703
访问 the 音乐及戏剧艺术 department website